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Fountains, Swimming Pools, Fire & Water Features
Fountains, Swimming Pools, Fire & Water Features


  /    /  Water Screens  /  Aquascreen


The Aquascreen is a modular system designed for displaying motion graphic or static images on water. The free-falling water droplets create a high resolution rear projection screen engineered for use with lasers, lighting and multimedia projection.

The length is customizable and can be extended using additional inlets and displays to suit your requirements. Ideal for events, weddings or any other special occasions, the screen can be installed as a temporary or permanent installation. The display can be enhanced with an audio system and sound effects if required.

Designed for easy installation, maintenance and dismantling. The aquascreen is engineered to avoid noise and splash from water.

Technical Details



The Aquascreen is a modular system designed for displaying motion graphic or static images on water. The free-falling water droplets create a high resolution rear projection screen engineered for use with lasers, lighting and multimedia projection.

The length is customizable and can be extended using additional inlets and displays to suit your requirements. Ideal for events, weddings or any other special occasions, the screen can be installed as a temporary or permanent installation. The display can be enhanced with an audio system and sound effects if required.

Designed for easy installation, maintenance and dismantling. The aquascreen is engineered to avoid noise and splash from water.


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